Have you been the sad victim of a cockroach infested home? Not sure how to get rid of them without using any chemical sprays? Well, our experts are here to advise you on the best way to trap cockroaches and protect your lovely home.
Most of the time these cockroach nests are found near the kitchen within the easy vicinity of food. As roaches like to come out at night and scavenge for food and water, they prefer dark corners and hard to reach corners like under the sink, behind the cupboard and so on. Once you have identified the cockroach nest, whip up a DIY cockroach trap laced with cockroach bait and get rid of them forever.
Most people are wary of using chemical sprays as they can be toxic to human beings if they are not used as instructed. Even though you can find plenty of chemical gels and mixtures which do not release toxic gasses into the air, they can be quite harmful if ingested by a toddler. It would be safer not to use them in a home where young kids are present. The best cockroach killer ideas would be to place some bait around its nests.
There are plenty of DIY Combat roach traps that are quite efficient. Here are a few, which will make your job of getting rid of them easier:
Entrapment Via Duct or Sticky Tape
A Jar to Capture The Rivals
The Connection Between a Slimy Bottle and Roaches
Learn To Reuse a Soda Bottle
Uncomplicated House traps
Practical Chemical Gel Baits
Cockroach Foggers
This is one of the easiest ways of setting a homemade cockroach trap as it involves using some duct tape and bait. You need to make sure the tape is sticky and fresh else it won’t be an effective roach trap. You can also use sticky mouse sheets for capturing roaches. Keep the bait in the middle of the length of the duct tape or sticky sheet. This sticky roach trap is sure to present you with roaches in the morning. Do not forget to place it in a dark corner in your home.
You can use a quart size jar to make this homemade roach trap. Use masking tape to cover the jar so that the cockroaches get enough grip to climb it. As they climb the jar, they will ultimately fall inside it, and they will not have a way to climb out again. Most DIY homemade roach traps like this, make use of a bit of petroleum jelly on the inside of the jar to make it slippery, preventing the roaches from climbing out.
You can use any narrow-mouthed bottle lying around for this DIY cockroach trap. Since the bottle has a narrow neck, it will prevent the roach from attempting to climb out and escaping. Pour some cockroach bait like leftover wine. Use a cooking spray or even some petroleum jelly inside the bottle, to make the sides slimy and slippery. Do not forget to wrap some masking tape around the bottle to give the cockroach some traction while climbing the bottle.
Place this roach bait trap near the places where you suspect a cockroach nest is residing. If you want to increase the roach trap effectiveness, leave a slight trail of the bait leading to the bottle to entice the little pests even more.You can keep changing the bottle every few days, and you will notice the number of roaches captured starts declining slowly.
You can build a simple DIY cockroach trap in the shape of a house and place some bait inside it. Do not forget to make the house sticky by using some duct tape or sticky rat sheets available in the supermarket. This is a very effective way to capture roaches. This sticky roach trap will ensure maximum effectiveness in capturing roaches.
To make this particular trap all you have to do is get a 2-litre soda bottle and cut the top off where the bottle starts to curve. Now invert the cutoff top and place it over the bottle like a funnel. Tape them up together so that it stays steady. Fill the bottle with some roach bait gel along with some bait like red wine. As soon as the cockroach climbs the bottle and falls inside, the roach bait gel should do its job. Leave this DIY cockroach trap overnight in corners that you have spotted them. Make sure to check the traps every morning to get rid of the captured roaches.
Most supermarkets carry several types of chemical gel that can be used as bait to kill cockroaches. These gels contain an active ingredient which is poisonous and kill the cockroach as soon as it consumes it.
This particular product releases chemicals in the form of a mist of fog which are poisonous to roaches. Unfortunately, they are not considered to be very efficient as they lack the ability to reach most of the hiding places of cockroaches.
Since cockroaches tend to be nocturnal, you might not realize you have an infestation in the early stages.
As soon as you get a peek of them scurrying around; get ready to lay out combat roach traps to get rid of them forever.
Our experts recommend setting up traps at night around the area where you spotted them.
The next day morning make sure you get rid of the captured cockroaches.
Even the best cockroach traps require some time to prove their effectiveness. You need to remain consistent with setting up traps and refreshing the bait regularly to get rid of the infestation. The time taken usually depends on how bad the infestation is and the type of cockroach species that have taken cover in your home. Just hang in there and keep laying traps for the cockroaches, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon enough.