Bees, wasps and hornets are all eusocial creatures that live in colonies amongst very specific hierarchy which is common to all three species. These specimens are similar but yet different but all three help mankind in their own way. The bees produce honey while the wasps and hornets eat other insects that are considered as pests. There are different types of these species and some of the main genre is given below.
Types of Bees
Bumble Bees
Bumble bees are colonial insects that aide in pollination of plants and crops. They live in large colonies and build their nests mostly in the ground or a little higher on decks and patios. Bumble bees have a loud buzz and can defend their nests aggressively. They have a smooth stinger and hence are capable of multiple stings.
Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees are solitary creatures and build a nest only for their young. They can drill through wood and hence earn the name. They too can inflict multiple stings.
Honey Bees
Honey bees are honey makers and are the most commonly found bees that contribute in the pollination of over 100 crops in the US alone. They live in large colonies and have a barbed stinger that pulls out the abdomen when it stings killing it instantaneously.
Types of Wasps
Bald Faced Hornet
Bald faced hornets are actually wasps that have a bald white face and are colored in black and white similar to hornets. They are both scavengers and food hunters and hence can feed on leftovers or nectar from flowers.
Yellow Jacket
Yellow jackets, true to their names are black in color with prominent yellow stripes. They feed on insects and spiders and also on human food such as meat and sweet. They build underground nests and can be found near human habitats.
Cicada Killer Wasps
True to their name they are cicada killers. These are solitary wasps that dig underground burrows for homes and fill them up with paralyzed cicadas as feed for their larvae. They have venomous stingers that paralyze the cicadas when stung. They do not possess nest guarding instincts and though they challenge trespassers are quite harmless.
Types of Hornets
Asian Giant Killer Hornet
The Asian giant hornet is the largest wasp in the world. These are synchronized attackers and mainly feed on the honey bees. They have a smooth stinger and hence can sting multiple times and single stings can kill bees almost instantaneously. A couple of stings are capable of attacking the human nervous system and hence can turn fatal. These are very dangerous specimens and are a threat to the honey bee population.
European Hornet
This is the most common hornet found in the United States. They aggressively defend their nests and can pose a threat when found near human habitats. They feed their larvae with caterpillars, crickets, grasshoppers, yellow jackets, etc.
Oriental Hornet
Oriental Hornets can be easily be mistaken for European hornets. It is a living example of renewable energy. These amazing specimens have the capacity to harvest solar energy and hence are active in the middle of the day unlike any of their other counterparts.